Thursday, February 11, 2010

It has been a while!

It has been a long time since I was here (in blog-time, anyway...) Life has been really crazy lately, and I'm just now sitting down to relax. Not that I have time to do that... I just had to force myself.

Hubby and I have been praying about where to live when I graduate (May 2010) and feel like we finally have the answer. Right here where we've been stationed since '98... SC.

Now, I truly miss St Louis and Springfleid, MO - I do! More than I could ever dream! Anytime I want to really relax and be alone with my thoughts, they always turn to MO. It's where I grew up - both physically, mentally, and emootionally. I can't say spiritually, because that was her ein SC. Praise the Lord for a good Bible believing, God-reverencung church! But aside from being in what I believe to be the best church ever... there isn't a lot here for me. For us. Not like in MO!

STL has so much to offer a person who loves to learn! I miss it for my children. I feel they are missing out on such a great experience by not being there. We have visited often in the past years, but it's not the same. Visiting means time with extended family, which we LOVE, but it doesn't leave a lot of time for enjoying the area. The girls ask to go back often. I feel like they know there;s something important missing here.

Some great things about the STL area: FREE Zoo, FREE Science Center, FREE Forest Park, FREE Purina Farms, FREE Main Street, St. Charles, FREE Museum of Westward Expansion, FREE Art Museum... need I go on???  And if it's not free, at least it's relatively affordable. CLT has nothing like that. If they do, it's the best kept secret of the South :(

Springfield, MO has its own gifts to offer... CHEAP acreage, good schools, hometown atmosphere, lovely weather.. to name a few. After owning acreage there, and now lookiong for acreage here... UGH! No comparison! My heart belongs to Springfield... or..., STL... hmmmm..... maybe Rolla - it's half way between..LOL!
Point being.. I miss my home state and everything (almost) about it. BUUUUUT... SC is where the Lord wants us, and this is where we will lay down our roots. And you know... after getting confirmation that this is where we are supposed to be.. it's not too bad. That's God giving an extra measure of Grace to people who prayed for His Will (and MEANT IT)

All will be well, and eventually we will get to visit STL again. Missouri - I love you!